Solving problems faster and building things better

Who Is The Fashionaut?

  • 16 Years Experience

    16 years of experience in the fashion/retail industry, primarily in New York City and Barcelona

  • 10 Ecosystem Enablers

    Worked with 10 accelerators/incubators in Spain, Germany, Turkiye, Norway, UK, and USA

  • 3x International Founder

    Co-founder of startups in the USA, Spain, and UK, throughout 14 years of entrepreneurship

  • University Educator

    Lecturer, workshop facilitator, and developed a Master’s Course at schools around Europe

  • Experienced Speaker

    Speaker for corporations, government agencies, and conferences in Europe and Asia

Who I’ve Worked With

Meet Ryan Clott

  • Originally from the Washington, DC area, I moved to New York City for university and to start my career. After 10 years of living and working in NYC, I booked a one-way flight to Spain and moved my life to Europe, so I could open up my mind to new places and cultures. Since 2015, I have lived in Spain, Norway and Germany, and worked in these countries and across Europe. While primarily based in Europe, I continue to stay involved in the USA, and try to be a bridge between the USA and Europe. I think both places can learn a lot from each other.

  • I received my Bachelor’s of Industrial Design from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. I also studied Architecture in Copenhagen through the DIS Program. While Industrial Design can be applied broadly, my focus has been at the intersection of innovation and business. I gravitated towards Strategic Design, Design Thinking, Business Design, and Design Management. Through university and my professional career, I have placed major emphasis on being able to effectively communicate with a wide variety of different stakeholders.

  • Building on my 16 years of experience in the fashion/retail industry, and 9 years of working with various accelerators/incubators around Europe, I focus on bridging the gap between innovation and enterprise. The expertise I can apply consists of Future-proofing, Strategic Design, Entrepreneurship, Ecosystem Enablers, and the Fashion/Retail Industry. Generally, there is overlap of these areas of expertise in my collaborations. My methods of collaboration consist of workshops, sprints, programs, project-based consulting, teaching, and speaking — in all of which I bring a competence and confidence through my experience.

  • I love to travel. This is what you can find me doing in my free time. I have traveled to 40 countries, and lived in 9 cities in 6 countries. I love to connect with the local culture — including its food, wine, art, architecture, and of course, coffee.

Let’s Connect

Let’s Collaborate